tHa fiNE aLTernATivE uNDerGroUND AlteRNaTive 4 mUSiK, dRiNKs and KUlTurA in BUdaPesT
keRtéSZ uTCa 4, dIStrict VII., BuDApeSt HUNGARY - klubvittula@gmail.com
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
saturday 20 march szombat
The El Ridiculoso team pride themselves on the diversity of the talent they bring into their party on a monthly basis. Each and every party has showcased a different underground house & techno DJ or performer. This time last year, the duo of Wachter & Rene Mascarpone also known as Random Surprise hijacked the ears and souls of all who were in attendance at Klub Vittula.
We simply had to get them back…and back they are! The Random Surprise duo will work the magic behind the mixing desk along side with your gracious residents Dr. Pokoly and Curtis aka Dentist.
The audiovisual group Random Surprise has masterminded several successful house & techno events this season at venues around Budapest such as Art Katakomba, CÖKXPôN, Tűzraktér and Merlin.
Random Surprise - Hirtelen (live Dj set) by Random Surprise